This page is dedicated to my deepest thoughts.
As I said before, most of my inspiration is
born when something has shaken, or stirred my inner soul.
I hope you find something here that awakes
the "deep-sleeping thinker" inside of you.
As always...these poems are under copyright.
Please respect the time that it took to create them.
Never, Never
I am not made of rock, nor am I made of stone,
I cry tears like any other, and I am lonely when I am alone.
I have weathered many storms in life, survived to see skies of blue.
Take no credit for my victory; it was without any help from you.
All hearts are made the same, and we all hurt from time to time,
some of us hold it forever, while others compose a rhyme.
Funny, how I thought your betrayal would hurt forever,
but I don't even feel it now...
It's in the Never, Never.
© SummerLeigh 2002
Fate In The Hands Of Another
The worst right now is the just not knowing...
Will I? Or will I not?
Reach down deep inside and fight with all I got...?
I'm scared and I'm afraid, will I win or will I lose?
Will I be able to remain silent and let a stranger choose?
God?... I know that you are here, even though I feel alone.
Just because I can't see you does not mean that you are gone.
Oh, God... Please hold my hand as I walk this winding road,
Please help me with my baggage, it's an awful heavy load.
I want to scream..."It's just not fair!"
...because I carried them under my heart
What right does any man have... to tear us apart?
My body is so tired, but my mind won't let me rest...
I may not have been perfect...but I done my very best!
I'm mad, I'm scared, I'm terrified and afraid...
My heart is in a thousand peices inside this bed I've made...
God?...I read your message today in a tiny book
Something made me turn my head and take a second look.
The caption read..."Let Go and Let God"
...and I am trying even now
I know it may not seem as such
because of the worry lines on my brow.
Here...you take it, and you do with my life as you must.
I give you this burden on my heart...
and my future with you I trust!
© SummerLeigh 2002